semi-private reformer classes
glow signature reformer
Our Glow Signature Reformer class blends traditional Pilates principles with modern variations for strength, flexibility and alignment.
glow sculpt reformer
Glow Sculpt Reformer is a high-energy, strength-building class perfect for those who want an intense workout.
glow strech & flow
Glow Stretch & Flow is a gentle, slower-paced class focused on deep stretching, breathwork and mobility.
private reformer classes
glow private session
A Glow Private Session is a VIP experience for clients who want personalized instructions or have specific goals.
glow mama
Glow Mama sessions are for prenatal and postnatal clients who are seeking safe, core-strengthening exercises.
glow elite
Glow Elite is our offering customized for athletes of all disciplines. This exclusive one-on-one Reformer Pilates sessions enhances strength, endurance, flexibility and injury prevention.